Noay Testo

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• Noay Testo/ He’s a bodybuilder.
• I was born in Green leaves.
• No, because my family and I lived in a small village where everyone new each other
• My dad is very hard-working, he has humor, he drinks a lot, he helps other people a lot and he has a big heart.
• My mom is also hard-working, she cooks very good, she cares of other people a lot, every-one likes her and she is very kind.
• I have one little sister. Tara is her name. I want to be like an idol to her.
• My dad was my trainer, he showed me how to do all these magic tricks and how to use them.
• I was born already as a hero. My grand-father was a big magician and my dad got it from him. At this moment I am stronger than my dad.
• During my spare time I create new magic, new magic potions and I train all my three Jutsu’s.